2015 Update and Holiday Greeting
Greetings – On behalf of the Board of Directors, Senior Staff, and volunteers, we want to thank those who have contributed to our success in the last year. Year-end is a time for all of us to be thankful, not only for the truly amazing generosity and support from each of you, but for the... Read More
2014 Update and Holiday Greeting
Greetings! 2014 has been a truly amazing year for MAARS and we wish to extend our deepest gratitude to all of our supporters for helping us reach our goals. In the past year, we have achieved many things including putting in new flooring in almost one-quarter of the bird rooms. We have also placed a... Read More
2013 Update and Holiday Greeting
From the MAARS flockto yoursWishing you peace,love and joy this Holiday season. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Senior Staff, and volunteers, we want to thank those who have contributed to our success in the last year. Because of your generous support, MAARS has undertaken many projects this year including new murals in our bird... Read More
The Landing is now a Sanctuary
Dear Family, Friends, Members, and Supporters : MAARS has begun the exciting and challenging steps to update our mission. We will still be advocates, educators, and caregivers to parrots, but we will be doing this a sanctuary, not as a rescue organization. MAARS has gone through a great deal of change in the past 3... Read More
It’s time to RAISE the ROOF at MAARS!
Since purchasing and moving into our new facility in 2009, MAARS has made tremendous strides towards improving both the interior and exterior of the building and sanctuary space. We are therefore able to insure the health and welfare of the MAARS Flock and create a healthy and hospitable work environment for staff and volunteers. These... Read More